Forgiving others is not the easiest of things to do. I personally take some time before I can completely forget what the person did to me. What eventually makes me forgive is knowing that failing to forgive others may make God not forgive me for my many shortcomings, as Jesus taught using the parable of the Unforgiving servant who was forgiven by his master for the many debts he owed him, but when he left, met his fellow servant and had him locked up until he had paid all the debt.
When the master found out what the unforgiving servant had done, he was upset and went ahead to have him locked up for failing to forgive his fellow employee. "That is how my father in heaven will treat every one of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart." We are all sinners and no one is more special than the other.
Anyway, here are some ideas on how to forgive though I don't remember where I read them. I had saved them in my computer and just remembered them today. I hope they shall be of help to you.
How to Forgive
Author unkown(Can't remember)
Would you like to become more successful at forgiving others? These are practical steps that must be taken:
1. Decide – You will never forgive if you wait until you feel like it. Choose to obey God and steadfastly resist the devil in his attempts to poison you with bitter thoughts. Make a quality decision to forgive, and God will heal your wounded emotions in due time (see Matthew 6:12,14).
2. Depend – You cannot forgive without the power of the Holy Spirit. It’s too hard to do on your own. If you are truly willing, God will enable you, but you must humble yourself and cry out to Him for help. In John 20:22,23 Jesus breathed on the disciples and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit!” His next instruction was about forgiving people. Ask God to breathe the Holy Spirit on you so you can forgive those who’ve hurt you.
3. Obey – The Word tells us several things we’re to do concerning forgiving our enemies:
a. Pray for your enemies and those who abuse and misuse you. Pray for their happiness and welfare (see Luke 6:27,28). As you pray, God can give them revelation that will bring them out of deception. They may not even be aware they hurt you, or maybe they’re aware but are so self-centered that they don’t care. Either way, they need revelation.
b. …Bless and do not curse them (Romans 12:14). In the Greek to bless means "to speak well of" and to curse means "to speak evil of." You can’t walk in forgiveness and be a gossip. You must stop repeating the offense. You can’t get over it if you continue to talk about it. Proverbs 17:9 says that he who covers an offense seeks love.
When the master found out what the unforgiving servant had done, he was upset and went ahead to have him locked up for failing to forgive his fellow employee. "That is how my father in heaven will treat every one of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart." We are all sinners and no one is more special than the other.
Anyway, here are some ideas on how to forgive though I don't remember where I read them. I had saved them in my computer and just remembered them today. I hope they shall be of help to you.
How to Forgive
Author unkown(Can't remember)
Would you like to become more successful at forgiving others? These are practical steps that must be taken:
1. Decide – You will never forgive if you wait until you feel like it. Choose to obey God and steadfastly resist the devil in his attempts to poison you with bitter thoughts. Make a quality decision to forgive, and God will heal your wounded emotions in due time (see Matthew 6:12,14).
2. Depend – You cannot forgive without the power of the Holy Spirit. It’s too hard to do on your own. If you are truly willing, God will enable you, but you must humble yourself and cry out to Him for help. In John 20:22,23 Jesus breathed on the disciples and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit!” His next instruction was about forgiving people. Ask God to breathe the Holy Spirit on you so you can forgive those who’ve hurt you.
3. Obey – The Word tells us several things we’re to do concerning forgiving our enemies:
a. Pray for your enemies and those who abuse and misuse you. Pray for their happiness and welfare (see Luke 6:27,28). As you pray, God can give them revelation that will bring them out of deception. They may not even be aware they hurt you, or maybe they’re aware but are so self-centered that they don’t care. Either way, they need revelation.
b. …Bless and do not curse them (Romans 12:14). In the Greek to bless means "to speak well of" and to curse means "to speak evil of." You can’t walk in forgiveness and be a gossip. You must stop repeating the offense. You can’t get over it if you continue to talk about it. Proverbs 17:9 says that he who covers an offense seeks love.
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